The Chinese Calendar:
Dates of New Years, Dark Moons
and Solar Terms

Hermetic Systems

Windows Software for Chinese Calendar date conversion
and for the scholarly study of Asian Lunar Calendars

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The Chinese Calendar tells you about upcoming Chinese new years and converts Chinese and European calendar dates (and also dates in the Archetypes Calendar). It provides exact times of dark moons and solar terms and is thus an indispensible tool for any serious study of the Chinese Calendar.

It becomes a tool for the study of the Japanese or Vietnamese Lunar Calendar simply by changing the longitude of the prime meridian (135°E for the former).

Here is a typical screenshot with the Chinese Calendar (120°E) selected:

The Chinese Calendar screenshot

When the cursor is over a date a small box appears with a verbose expression of that date, as shown below.

Tooltip text

The lunar calendars used in Vietnam and Japan are the same as the lunar calendar used in China except that (a) the reference longitude is 105° E or 135° E (respectively) instead of 120° E (the Korean lunar calendar uses the same reference longitude as the Japanese) and (b) the sets of 12 animals differ slightly. The months of each year are usually the same in all three calendars, but occasionally differ. This program may be used for all three lunar calendars simply by selecting a reference longitude.

The Chinese Calendar software can be used:

Click on this link for
The User Manual

"The Best Chinese Calendar Software"

Many people try to write a program for the Chinese calendar without first really understanding the astronomical rules. The author of this program has done his homework, and the result is impressive.

Since the Chinese calendar is very complex, and this program does not shy away from the details, it may seem overwhelming to a casual user. But if power, accuracy and reliability are important, this is the program for you.

If you are interested in doing careful analysis of the Chinese calendar, for historical, astronomical or astrological purposes, there is no other alternative.

— Helmer Aslaksen, Professor of Mathematics, Singapore National University