Chinese Calendrics Software
7.  Date Conversion

Chinese Calendrics converts dates in the following calendars:

Conversion of a date in one calendar to dates in all the other calendars may be made by entering a date in any of the calendars into the 'Enter date' box and clicking on 'Convert'. You can specify a time (GMT or CCT) in the 'Time' box. If no time is specified then 12:00 in your local (that is, your PC's) timezone is used.

Common Era Calendar dates, Julian Calendar dates and Archetypes Calendar dates are displayed (and must be entered) in ISO 8601 format, that is, 'year-month-day'.

Note that (as mentioned in Section 3) the year-numbering system employed in date entry is the astronomical year-numbering system, in which years B.C. are represented by negative integers: 1 BC = 0 CE, 2 BC = -1 CE, 3 BC = -2 CE, and so on. So the 31st of December 22 B.C. is -21-12-31 CE. For a fuller explanation see Astronomical Year Numbering.

Chinese solar dates must be entered as 'cycle-position-solarterm-day CHS', e.g., 79-28-16-02 CHS.

Chinese lunar dates may be entered in three ways:

Clicking on a date displayed on-screen (in yellow) will copy it to the 'Date' box, and the time will be copied to the 'Time' box. You can then modify that date and time and click on 'Convert' to obtain corresponding dates in the other calendars.

Clicking on a date displayed on-screen (in yellow), or the label to the left of it, will copy the entire date and time to the clipboard, from which it can be pasted into another document. This also works for the values of 'Phase of Moon' and 'Age of Moon'.

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