.: All Testimonials :.

This page displays all testimonials for our software which have been contributed by our customers, in chronological order (oldest first). Testimonials for Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced are included with those for the basic version. For testimonials for a particular program please see the link from the respective product page (e.g., Easy Date Converter).

Data Destroyer
When I was researching data wipe utilities, Data Destroyer impressed me with its great deal of user control and flexibility when selecting how data is overwritten. I was also impressed by the fact that the utility uses unbuffered, direct-to-hardware writes when purging data. After using the product, I'm also impressed with Data Destroyer's flexibility and ease of use. Data Destroyer can produce NSA-level data eradication on anything from a file to a selection of folders. Not only that, but repetitive operations, like removing temporary internet files, can be easily defined and stored away for future use. I find it to be a powerful, intuitive and easy to use utility that I would not hesitate to recommend to friends and other IT colleagues.

— Charles F. Rouh, February 29, 2004

The Chinese Calendar
For some time I had been looking for a program the would provide me with both Western and Chinese Lunar and Solar Calendar information, all on one screen page in a graphically simple format, I came across just such a program called Chinese Calendrics. I was more than pleasantly surprised by what I had found. There is so much information on one screen that it is truly mind-blowing, but it is shown in an undaunting manner. This program not only graphically shows the daily phase of the moon, which can be advanced by one minute, right up to 80 years at a time, it also compares the differences on-screen between the Western and the Chinese calendars, and a nice facet of this truly amazing program is that with the touch of a button it will give the date of the next Chinese New Year, along with all the relevant Chinese astrological information. It has completely satisfied my requirements and more. There is so much more to this program that one has to use it to appreciate its true virtue. It is a scholastically mathematical masterpiece of software, however, for all its transparent mathematical complexity it has been designed to be completely user-friendly. Having used this program for some time now, it is easy to use and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who has an interest in both the Western and Chinese calendars.

— Arthur McPhee, December 13, 2004

Prime Factors
As the inventor of Global Numerics, a predictive system attempting to explain why one day is different or similar to the previous or following one, I highly recommend Peter Meyer's Prime Factors. This software, in fact, made its discovery possible. It is an invaluable tool for computing daily prime number sets. No doubt it has other great features for which I have no use, but it is more than adequate for my needs and very affordable. Prime Factors is worthy of serious consideration.

— Wayne Zanker, December 18, 2004

The Chinese Calendar
Many people try to write a program for the Chinese calendar without first really understanding the astronomical rules. The author of this program has done his homework, and the result is impressive.

Since the Chinese calendar is very complex, and this program does not shy away from the details, it may seem overwhelming to a casual user. But if power, accuracy and reliability are important, this is the program for you.

If you are interested in doing careful analysis of the Chinese calendar, for historical, astronomical or astrological purposes, there is no other alternative.

— Helmer Aslaksen, Ph.D., The Mathematics of the Chinese Calendar, www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/calendar/chinese.html, July 24, 2005

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter is an excellent tool for dissecting and analyzing a body of text. I am using it to alphabetize all of the words of the Latin Vulgate Bible in hopes of someday producing a lexicon. This program is extremely flexible. It allows you to set custom parameters and word count guidelines. If you wish to exclude certain words or even whole sections of the text from the final count there are numerous ways to set the criteria for doing so. At first, the program had trouble handling the size of the output file when using a 3.31 MB input file (over 3 times larger than the program had been tested with!). Mr. Meyer was very helpful and made revisions to the program so it would fulfill my needs. If all of Hermetic Systems' programs work as well as Word Frequency Counter does then I recommend them all!

— Derek Bonnell, November 12, 2005

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
An excellent program no writer should be without. Particularly useful to be able to exclude certain words.

— Dr E. Heyderman, December 19, 2005

Prime Factors
I am amazed at the possibilities that Prime Factors offers. Not only can you find primes, prime pairs and prime factors easily, but you can also graph the distribution of the number of prime factors — something I haven`t seen elsewhere. And probably most valuable for research is the ability to filter for primes that fulfil a user-specified formula.

— Dr. Mario Hilgemeier, February 18, 2006

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I copied the activation key onto my clipboard, clicked a button in the program and I got a message that the program was fully activated. That function was nicely automated. It's a very handy program and very friendly.

— Hak Hakanson, April 9, 2006

Data Destroyer
I recently needed to use Data Destroyer on two computers that no longer have internet access. I used another computer with email access to obtain the activation keys. I typed the key into a text file, saved it to the clipboard, and clicked on the button in Data Destroyer that said it would obtain the key from the clipboard. Everything worked smoothly. The only caveat I would give is to be sure you type the activation key EXACTLY as it is given to you. Better is to copy it from the email onto a floppy and transfer it to the destination computer. In any case, Hermetic's support was wonderful and quick, and Data Destroyer worked as it should. It is a great product.

— Pamela L., June 30, 2006

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
I have really enjoyed using your Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder program. It has saved me from many hours of tedious work in my research.

— Robert J. Henstra Jr., Utah, USA
August 3, 2006

Prime Factors
As a cryptographer and author currently working on a complex series of codes designed during the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries I use Hermetic Systems' Prime Factors virtually every day to help analyze numerical occurrences for primes as well as factors which then relate to specific encryptions or to locations where other encryptions are to be found. This software is absolutely invaluable to me and I can honestly say I would be lost without it. I must also compliment Peter Meyer on using very fast factorizing alogorithms. In comparison to other software his program is 'simply the best'.

— Alan Scott, August 7, 2006

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
As a researcher and cryptographer working on the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, I use Hermetic Systems' Word Frequency Counter for a wide variety of purposes. In analysing words, letters and numbers it gives me an instant view of the documents I am working on and often provides invaluable information regarding anomalies and areas of interest for me to focus on more closely. With regard to the book I am writing, this software produces an absolutely first-class list of all words which can then be used as a concordance for the index. In this regard the program is rock solid and extremely fast. My book currently contains some 200,000 words and Frequency Counter creates the list in just a few minutes. Even if you only use this program a few times per year it is well worth the very small price. In my case I use it daily. The advanced version offers even more features which are very welcome.

— Alan Scott, August 7, 2006

Easy Date Converter
I think this is a must have program for any home computer. It's fast and easy to use, and very accurate. I see no reason why anyone wouldn't want it. I've been using it for years. It's worth every penny.

— Bill Dobson, September 3, 2006

Easy Date Converter
Best software of its kind I have ever come across. I have received the code and the product has been activated. This what I call fast and complete customer service. Thank you. You make a great product and back it with unbeatable customer service. Again, thank you.

— Mark Pinchal, December 27, 2006

Easy Date Converter
One of our departments has been using Easy Date Converter for years and they tell me it is one of the best programs they have used to help them with their work. It is extremely easy to use, trouble free and very affordable.

— Michael Wilson
Information Technology Manager
Regional Trustee Services, Seattle, Wa.
March 27, 2007

The Chinese Calendar
Easy Date Converter
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
My research focuses on the Khmer civilization from Angkorian times to the present. I purchased three Hermetic Systems tools: Easy Date Converter, Lunar Calendars and Chinese Calendrics. Each one is an excellent, well designed, well documented piece of software. They have proven themselves indispensable in my work.

My most recent project is translating the biography of Cambodian dancer, published in French in 1919. Not a single Western calendar date appears in the text. Using the extraordinary Chinese Calendrics program, I was able to pinpoint multiple event dates as the text gives clear descriptions of festivals based on the cycles of the moon and the Chinese zodiac. This small feat enhanced the historical value of the entire text.

In closing I must also praise the excellent technical support provided. The programs are clear and well documented, but I did have a few technical questions. In each case I received a fast, detailed solution.

— Kent Davis, www.DatASIA.US, July 7, 2007

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version software has done a magnificent job. Some of my document collections are enormous. I used it on 13 different sets of data ranging from the smallest with 6,867 ranked words up to the largest document collection which produced 866,570 ranked words from over 100 million word occurrences. The after-sales services was spot-on. I'll be using this program in my future research.

— Deanna Osman, PhD student, July 26, 2007

Cryptosystem ME6
I have been using ME6 for several years for encryption of sensitive files. It's straightforward in design and operates quickly on plain text and encrypted data. I particularly like the feature which gives a visual measure of the random appearance of encrypted data, as well as useful checksums. Key use is easy. ME6 leads you through the procedures necessary for either encryption or decryption of file material. It works.

— MLB, November 3, 2007

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I found exactly what I needed with the Hermetic Word Frequency Counter software. I write both fiction and non-fiction. Using this program makes it easy for me to improve my writing — to make sure I'm not over-doing it with frequent words or the same adjectives. We all know to check for "very" but what other words am I using too much? Using this program is a huge advantage over "eye-balling" my copy for over-used words. It automates what would be a tedious process otherwise.

Running my copy through the word counter helps me to keep my writing tight and fresh. I prefer using a client application because it is quicker than using a web-based tool. I don't have to worry about my content being "captured" online if I use a free online tool (maybe I'm being paranoid on this point but with this program, I don't have to worry). I like exporting the results into a file. Having a hard copy helps me document my work in progress as I edit my writing. Overall, I have been extremely happy with using the Hermetic Word Frequency Counter software. It's quick and to the point. This program is a great tool I can use that doesn't try to do too much or take over my writing process.

— Frankie Orlando, Freelance Writer, November 5, 2007

Easy Date Converter
While testing the trial version of Easy Date Converter I discovered that the one thing that was sorely needed to make this the most perfect program was missing. I sent a simple inquiry wondering if there were some hidden instructions I did not know about or if there would be some future plans to add the feature I needed. Lo and behold, I got an immediate email telling me that this desired change was quite doable and was asked if I needed the requested change to have an additional function that I had not anticipated. Wow! Are you kidding me? Shortly after purchasing my copy of the Date Converter I soon got another email telling me that the expected change was in the works and that it would be available in a week. It was delivered right on time. I do believe that Hermetic Systems is the GOLD Standard in customer service and performance!

— Denise Ventura, January 16, 2008

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I'm a psycholinguist who examines the effects of various lexical variables on how quickly or accurately people can recognize visually presented words, and have recently been exploring the predictive power of frequency counts based on different corpora, so your program is going to be most useful.

— Melvin Yap, January 29, 2008

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The software has actually been fantastic ... I have really enjoyed using it. As a former Linguistics graduate student, I know from experience just how difficult it is to find effective language programs. I think this addition of the ability to count phrases will make it even better. Really, thanks for the update to this program. It will be extremely useful in my new research project.

— Rachel Kesselman, February 10, 2008

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Your software is great, it's quick and the output is very useful.

— Deanna Osman, PhD student, May 22, 2008

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Brilliant software, intuitive interface, extremely clear output

— Chris Fitch, July 3, 2008

Data Destroyer
Genuinely practical applications, brilliantly conceived.

— Don Connolly, July 6, 2008

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Translation (especially technical translation) is a fairly repetitive endeavor. Specific terms and expressions may be repeated umpteen times and this fact becomes obvious (tedious also) when the translator gets tired of repeatedly typing the same character strings. The search and replace function of MS Word can help automate it to a certain extent, one expression at a time, as you meet them in your text, unless you have a statistical cast of mind to identify repetitions while skimming through the original.

When I heard about a program called "Useful File Utilities", from www.replsoft.com, and its module "Batch Replacer for MS Word" (doing exactly what its name implies), I began also searching for a possibility to count words in order to decide which ones to "pre-translate" before the translation proper. "Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced" (WFCA) fills the bill.

WFCA works only with text files, so originals have to saved to text-only. Some time is needed to tame the WFCA interface that sports a lot of counting parameters. For my peculiar needs, I distinguish upper/lower case (essential for German words), count words occurring at least three times and load the included list of common words in German to ignore.

WFCA outputs a list (text format) of numbered, tab-separated, words with the number of occurrences (each detail can be parametrized). I import it into Excel and create a glossary, usually customer-specific because each company has its preferred vocabulary, encompassing from twenty to many hundreds of lines. I have also another list of common prepositions. "Batch Replacer for MS Word" accepts the Excel file as a list of search and replace commands. By the way, there are similar Batch Replacer modules for Excel and PowerPoint.

These operations are of course time-consuming, and the resulting document, pre-translated without any linguistic intelligence or regard for the context, may sound like gibberish. But it saves a lot of time for a lengthy original.

— Jean-Marc Tapernoux, techni-tra.com, July 25, 2008

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Very good software!

— Massimo Marcuccio, March 4, 2009

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I look forward to using your software on two projects: (1) dealing with the words used to describe accountants in American literature; and (2) a project to see if this software can be used in some fashion to help identify potential financial frauds either through reviews of testimony or financial documents (similar to Benford's Law and numbers).

— G. Stevenson Smith, Ph.D., CPA, CMA,
John Massey Endowed Professor of Accounting
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
March 12, 2009

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
You have helped me tremendously in my research concerning dates in the Mahabharata by doing the new version, as well as by finding out the dates of eclipse pairs that I needed.

— Ramesh Panchwagh, September 19, 2009

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Very good functionality for new approaches to communication analysis. This includes approaches with speech acts, key topics and similar things. I'm developing products for my business — consulting, coaching, training. Your product gives me some concrete evidence of the wording of my customer.

— Michael Lapp, www.memecon.com, October 21, 2009

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I enjoy using this software; it's very functional and works well.

— Erin Billy, November 20, 2009

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The program worked great and really helped me out with the project I was working on.

— Bruce Provan, December 8, 2009

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
It works properly and it is a greal tool for forecasting purposes.

— Pablo Quintana, December 29, 2009

Julian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator
This is a great program for family history.

— Bonnie Baker, January 3, 2010

Cryptosystem ME6
I have found this software to be reliable and worthy of the trust one must place in an encryption program. The documentation is easy to understand and is an example of the expertise found within the program.

— Billy Reynolds, mistercomputerman.com, January 24, 2010

The Chinese Calendar
Great program, it has been very useful as I need to do lots of calculations of solar terms, moon phases, etc. ..

— Enzo Cozzi, February 11, 2010

Cryptosystem ME6
AS a system tester, I find this software to be safe and effective. The interface is easy to understand and well designed. For the money, this is the BEST of Class available.

— Billy Reynolds, mistercomputerman.com, April 25, 2010

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Please accept my praise for such a great application. It's really a good and well conceived tool.

— Ahmad Wali Achakzai, May 10, 2010

Easy Date Converter
I love this program so much that when I had to replace my old laptop this was the first program I replaced.

— Denise L. Ventura, May 10, 2010

Easy Date Converter
I do not use your program often, but when I do, I find it to be an excellent tool. I have found the program to be very useful over the past few years and you may feel free to add me to your list of satisfied clients.

— Joseph Amodea, May 11, 2010

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Using it [the Advanced Version] for Statement Analysis along with other programs for research.

— John Warriner, May 14, 2010

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Like this program very much. Very helpful for historical research.

— Paul W Puckett, June 18, 2010

The Chinese Calendar
A spectacular value that saves hours of tedious calculation when translating inscriptions and documents.

— Gregory DeLaCastro, August 10, 2010

Easy Date Converter
As a historian I often need to know the day of the week for a date. The Easy Date Converter is an essential tool for me.

— Scott Kenney, September 2, 2010

The Chinese Calendar
I am an American who has lived and worked most of his adult life in Asia, including Vietnam, Thailand, India and Afghanistan, I have found that understanding the calendar systems used by these countries is a useful way to add a valuable dimension of understanding the different cultures. Though written for the Chinese calendar, studying the tremendous amount of information contained in and offered by the program allows one to apply his understanding to the various other regional cultures. This is most easily done for the Vietnam calendar of course, but it does not take much study to apply the uses of the program to the lunar calendars used in Thailand, India and even the Moslem cultures found in Afghanistan and Middle East. I use the program frequently.

— Michael Kingery, September 18, 2010

Data Destroyer
I have used Data Destroyer for a while now ... it's superb at completely removing everything from flash card and pen drives (my usual use). It really does its job. I get information from customers on flash drives that I supply so it's important to obliterate any information before I send the drive out again. I have to say this does the job admirably. Easy to use and depending on the type of clean-up you need quite quick!

— John Blowes, September 20, 2010

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I used the program for a project for school and it saved me a lot of time. It also was far more accurate then counting words manually.

— Brendon Noto, September 27, 2010

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I used a two-million word Microsoft Word document and ran it through the Word Frequency Counter and it got it done in under two hours! I was then able to run the data easily through Excel and since then I've been working hard on analyzing the data. The customer support was excellent and right on target. I used the software so as to do a systematic analysis of the German Language and it could not have been done without the amazing Word Frequency Counter. So as to prove that this is a genuine testimonial you can check out my blog at splendogloria.blogspot.com.

— Kyle Foley, October 11, 2010

Easy Date Converter
This is an essential tool for any professional historian who needs to calculate the time between two dates. It is easy and quick.

— Fred Larimore, November 9, 2010

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I love this software... it really speeds up the process of identifying the best keywords/phrases to focus on while doing SEO work. It has saved me tons of time!

— Robert Helbig, November 19, 2010

The Chinese Calendar
It's a great software! I recommend it for anyone that has an interest in the chinese calendar.

— Enrique Marroquin, January 10, 2011

The Chinese Calendar
I use your program to verify dates of translated inscriptions about lunar observations relating to archaeoastronomy. Recently I used your program to help verify the age and accuracy of several inscriptions relating to famous and other lesser known historical personages. It is a fabulous and extremely accurate time-saver for having to calculate everything by hand. I especially like the ability in your program to determine the Julian Date for the beginning of each Chinese Lunar Year. This helps me calculate some of the more esoteric elements of Chinese, Hermetic and Uranian systems with greater precision.

— Gregory DeLaCastro, January 11, 2011

Prime Factors
As both a professional IT Manager and an application developer I constantly find myself needing mental stimulation. I use mathematics as a way to quench that thirst, yet spending hours and hours in an Excel grid to calculate factors in a way that was visually understandable was defeating. I discovered Prime Factors simply by browsing applications on the web and instantly knew I had to have it. This program will keep the wheels turning for many more years.

— Ben Althauser, Professional IT & Web Development, January 29, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
This software is a huge help when researching items I want to sell on ebay. It quickly identifies irrelevant items I can eliminate from my search string when a large number of results is returned. Keep up the good work.

— Ken Baldwin, February 20, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
This software is very useful for my research because it is quick and accurate, but it is also very easy to learn how to utilize for a variety of projects. As an added bonus, the customer service associated with the product is truly exceptional. I can see myself utilizing this software well into the future.

— Steven McCarty-Snead, D.Phil. Student, April 21, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
A highly recommended tool, very powerful and easy to use. It has saved me countless hours of manual and laborious work. Customer service is very fast, clear and friendly.

— Gary Jonas, April 29, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter is an excellent product. I mean both the basic and the advanced version:
- simplicity and clarity of its funcionality, so it is good for educational process in labs - its functions cover practicaly all needs of those who use it
- simple and open, accessible dictionaries in several languages
I will use this software in my universities both in Moscow and in Barcelona

— Prof. Mikhail Alexandrov, May 11, 2011

Easy Date Converter
Software that exceeds expectations. 5 out of 5 stars.

— Mark Pinchal, May 20, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The Advanced Version is an efficient and agile program for word analysis.

— Michael Stricklin, May 29, 2011

The Chinese Calendar
A great program for all who work in two worlds -- the Western (Julian Calendar) and the Eastern (Lunar or Sol-Lunar Calendar). This program makes it easy!

— William Hirsch, May 30, 2011

Data Destroyer
As I upgrade computers, I am sure to move Data Destroyer. It gives me comfort knowing that confidential data is not lurking on my hard drive.

— Thomas OBrien, June 12, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I find your program really helpful. As always, thanks for the awesome service.

— Erin Billy, www.testmagic.com, July 3, 2011

The Chinese Calendar
Your programme Chinese Calendrics is the best for transferring lunar data to our system that I have found. I use it often for data from Chinese historical sources.

— Vladimír Liščák, July 12, 2011

The Chinese Calendar
I'm really glad I found this software, it is so much easier for a quick lookup than the time consuming calculating, even though it takes a bit in the beginning to know how to use it. But once that's done, you're a lucky winner :)

— Sibylle Bauer, July 17, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Ein sehr gutes Programm für Freelance-Übersetzer. Es kann sogar differenzieren zwischen Gross- und Kleinbuchstaben, was ziemlich selten ist in dieser anglosächsischen Welt. Bravo!

— Mats Wiman, DEU->SWE Übersetzer, www.proz.com/profile/1749, July 21, 2011

Prime Factors
Prime Factors is the most efficient and feature-rich prime factorization software I have seen. It's in a class by itself.

— Tim O'Connor, August 4, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Does a great job counting words. The best program of this type I have found.

— Scott Campbell, August 11, 2011

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Without LCEF I could never have learned the secrets of eclipse prediction so reliable and fast, and practically without any higher math. Since LCEF can be used offline, it has all the calendar information readily available, even when I'm traveling. Hermetic's excellent support and response times have made using the product a pleasure.

— Klaus D. Witzel, Director, CoBSS S.A., Switzerland, August 12, 2011

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Your products work well and your prices are very good. Thank you.

— Thomas P Cook, August 18, 2011

The Chinese Calendar
It is a great software.

— Enrique Marroquin, August 31, 2011

Cryptosystem ME6
This is the only serious choice for encryption. Simple to use, professional results. ME6 has never failed a test. Well worth twice the money.

— Billy Reynolds, mistercomputerman.com, September 19, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I am very pleased with Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version. The software is easy to use, quick and performs just as advertised. In addition, I have found that its developer, Peter Meyer, backs up his product by answering my email queries to him within 24 hours.

— Irving Katz, MD, November 9, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Fantastic piece of software to quickly scan a high volume of customer service feedback. Thank you for making my life easier.

— Craig Stoddart, November 14, 2011

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Since purchasing the program I have found it very useful for checking the Moon's phases, etc. I am also pleased by its ease of use, and the excellent support given by Hermetic Systems.

— Robert Forbes, December 29, 2011

Data Destroyer
The only drive cleaning software I recommend to my customers.

— Billy Reynolds, mistercomputerman.com, December 30, 2011

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter is a very useful program, far better, for literary text, than others I have sampled to date.

— Robert M, January 16, 2012

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I use this software to determine major themes of the Bible, book by book.

— Jim Drasler, February 27, 2012

Data Destroyer
Have used Data Destroyer for some time and have not come across any problems. I would recommend this product to anybody.

— Michael North, April 5, 2012

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
I really enjoy this software. I'm gathering an extensive database of historical dates. Many of them rely on the accurate sighting of the new moon for which this program provides a reliable approximation.

— Michael North, April 12, 2012

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Great program!

— Claudia Siegel, April 16, 2012

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I have successfully used the advanced version of this software on some very large scientific journal articles in a research capacity. It works nicely but because of its power can be challanging to use. It is a major step up from simply searching text documents for occurrences and saving the number of hits for a particular argument.

— Robert Payne, April 18, 2012

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
I love this unique tool for calculating Cross Quarter days. It's amazing to see the differences between Mean and True Sun positions/dates...

— Muchas Plumas, June 6, 2012

The Chinese Calendar
I use this program not only for Chinese Lunar events, but also to fix Hindu and Buddhist festivals (which mostly are tied to aspects of the moon). It is very easy to use, and flexible enough to do these extra calendar fixes.

— Ian L Gordon, July 18, 2012

Prime Factors
Prime Factors is fantastically useful and very entertaining software, especially if you're into prime numbers! Identifying prime numbers and counting the number of them in any range is child's play and the factorizing is lightning fast! Identifying twin primes and counting the number of them in any range is also incredibly easy! Perhaps future updates of the software would make other prime constellations as easily searchable! And an increased absolute range would also be icing on the cake! I recommend this software wholeheartedly! Enjoy!

— Randall Furlong, July 2, 2012

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
It is astonishing! I'm happy with the capability of this software.

— Pablo Quintana del Carmen, July 29, 2012

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
I can say as a student of history and astronomy that the LCEF and EQSOL programs are a good way to verify the dates of heavenly events. And the price is reasonable, with great customer support! I intend to try other Hermetic products.

— Frederick Young, July 30, 2012

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I find the Hermetic Word Frequency Counter very easy to use — and quick. I had an undergraduate student working with me on a project and she had no trouble running it on text documents. This program is a vast improvement over what I used on my dissertation data!

— Joanne F. Tynon, Ph.D., August 2, 2012

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Thank you for the great program. It works great in my scriptural history studies.

— Bob Henstra, August 25, 2012

The Chinese Calendar
My interests are ancient Chinese and Mongolian coinage. From time to time I have to get exact data for some dates in Chinese medieval sources. In this case the most accurate and useful tool is the Chinese Calendrics program which helps me to get data for my publications.

— Vladimir Belyaev, November 4, 2012

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
I've been a happy user for two years now - this software is compact, easy to use, and does what it says it will do. That's perfect code, IMHO.

— Linda Brea Ludwigson, November 18, 2012

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Great analytical tool.

— Eric Shaw, November 20, 2012

Prime Factors
I've been using Prime Factors almost daily since purchasing a license 3 years ago. It's an invaluable factorization tool for analyzing prime number sequences and related patterns.

— Gary Croft , February 13, 2013

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Great utility. While similar programs work okay, WFCA works very fast and works with extremely large files. Love it!

— Jack Trampler, February 27, 2013

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
This will help me with my research. I've just activated the program. The activation process is very user-friendly!

— Timur Garaev, February 28, 2013

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
The software is a valuable tool for me as a spiritual astrology student.

— John Samuel, March 15, 2013

Cryptosystem ME6
This is the most cost-effective, absolutely-secure, encryption application I have found on the web - bar none!

— f.e.d., April 6, 2013

Prime Factors
I have been using the software since 2005, mainly to assist in the solving of difficult numerical puzzles. I have found it very easy to use and results are displayed very quickly. An admirable single-purpose program.

— Andrew Stewart, May 18, 2013

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
I have used this program for many years now. I find it easy to use & invaluable for my purposes. I'm able to create a calender of lunar events for years to come that helps me program my work schedule of lunar celebrations as well as for personal & garden rhythmic cycles. I'm very happy with this software & always take it with me when I upgrade my computer.

— Muktananda Saraswati, July 5, 2013

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I am a novelist and I needed your Word Frequency Counter to explore the use of words in my new novel. At first I simply ran your program on my MS Word .doc file and expected it to work, but it did not. After I discovered that I had first to save my .doc file as plain text I then found that the software is incredibly fast. My novel has over 100,000 words and the software took only about two minutes to make a long list of all different words — some 8,000. I was able to create an output file and read it into Excel, where I could work with the results as I needed. I have been able to remove some too-oft-repeated phrases and words from my novel, and a few over-used adverbs. Coupled with the MS Word word-finder, it works as well as I'd hoped it would.

— Michael Gaze, July 6, 2013

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
I have been running Hermetic's "Lunar calendars" since 2008 with good success. My area of interest relates to biblical dates found in ancient Hebrew texts. Accuracy is essential and this tool has enabled that. Thanks!

— Chris Gedge, July 23, 2013

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I tried many programs, including applications that run from the desktop, and online web pages, but none of these could handle the number of phrases I had to analyze. The Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version was able to process all of my files very quickly, and had the added bonus of putting them in a format I could use with Excel. This program has saved me countless hours.

— Wiliam E. Hogg, March 21, 2014

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The software works brilliantly.

— Eric Nyame, August 11, 2014

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The Advanced Version is a great bit of software. I've used it on several big journalistic projects and it's been central to my results.

— Jon Millward, January 27, 2015

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version is the best tool I have found for creating ngrams on a Windows platform. The UI gives all the control you need for setting very precise parameters, and the absence of any size limit on the number of input files and the size of the output file allow for working with very large document samples. Hermetic Systems' product support is also excellent — among the best I have come across.

— Peter Schmitt, February 5, 2015

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The Advanced Version has proved extremely useful for us at the Japanese American National Library in San Francisco. Your program enables us to efficiently pull phrases from each text in the collection to enter them as keywords to create a keyword searchable library catalog. This requires some light editing to reduce the overall size of the keyword database. Although this method of generating keywords is not as complete as reading the entire work and doing it manually, it does pull out a significant number of keywords efficiently. Doing it manually is way too costly in time and energy. The most important feature of WFCA for this purpose is the ability to list all phrases.

— Ben Kobashigawa, March 5, 2015

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version is a valuable program for any writer. I have been using it for awhile and find it indispensable. Find your overused words and expressions. It's easy to ask your word processor to search for "very" and "okay", but what about phrases such as "he cleared his throat" or "she tossed her hair"? Even reading your text out loud doesn't work as well as WFCA. This software will ferret out your personal weaknesses and help you compose stronger copy.

— Kathy Steinemann, September 15, 2015

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
The Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder software is great for checking historical lunar references such as can be found in religious texts.

— Michael McDonnell, January 24, 2016

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder is a great tool for any calendar researcher interested in exact astronomical data. It offers quick and precise results for all kinds of eclipses on the minute in GMT or local time. Dates are displayed in different calendar systems and it's easy to add and subtract any given number of days for immediate results. Absolutely fabulous ...

— Wolfram Oehler, February 5, 2016

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days is a great tool for calendrical research. With solstices, equinoxes and cross-quarters (true/mean sun) it will calculate the eight yearly calendrical pillars by the minute. This is a unique little program without any comparison.

— Wolfram Oehler, February 5, 2016

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
I study ancient near east history to reconcile datable historic events with Bible passages. This often entails ascertaining the dates of New Moons, Full Moons, Vernal Equinoxes, Lunar and Solar eclipses. I have been using Hermetic's Lunar Calendar and Eclipse Finder (LCEF) and Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days (EqSol) products since 2013.

My analysis typically entails using the Fourmilab calendar converter to convert ancient Hebrew dates into Julian Days, and then input those Julian Days into LCEF to obtain a confirmation of the Julian Calendar Date, and then calculate proximate dates for Dark and Full Moons. I use the Julian calendar year as input into EqSol to obtain the vernal equinox Julian Calendar date and time, which can then be pasted directly into LCEF to obtain the Julian Day and phases of the moon.

As Dark Moons are not visible, LCEF also provides a date increment/decrement facility which allows me to step by minute or hour from Dark Moon to some humanly visible phase of a New Moon crescent, and then readout the corresponding Julian Calendar date and time.

Both LCEF and EqSol provide a log of conversion results which can be copied and saved for later referral and checking without having to rerun the conversions. This greatly helps being able to reconfirm at a later time how various results were obtained.

Both LCEF and EqSol have always executed without error, and the results compare closely with tables of Lunar and Solar events published by NASA, the US Naval Observatory, and Fourmilab, but further, LCEF and EqSol allow me to compute more details of additional events not computed by NASA or the USNO.

LCEF and EqSol are indispensable tools that ensure the accuracy of my research.

— Charles Davis, March 21, 2016

Julian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator
If interested in reliable quick conversion from Gregorian to Julian and Dee-Cecil calendar dates with vernal equinoxes this is the tool to use. Adding/subtracting years, months, weeks and days work like a charm. The 'Julian day number' and 'day of the week' feature make this program a handy asset for all calendar enthusiasts. The online user manual gives a good in-depth overview of all features.

— Wolfram Oehler, March 30, 2016

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
Thanks for taking the time to develop the software. You saved me countless hours/days of scripting which I would have needed to do just to compare keywords in documents. The decision to buy was a simple mathematical equation: How much is my time worth?

— Stephen D'arcy, April 4, 2016

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
This is a useful tool for analyzing texts and discourses. Helps me to find patterns in ethnographic records regarding what people have in mind. Thank you.

— Maria Marta, December 18, 2016

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
The Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version was a fundamental tool for my thesis in Information Science. My thesis was about interdisciplinarity between Information Science and Physics. This is a special case of interdisciplinarity because, in a map of science, these two disciplines are far apart. So the classical methods of measuring interdisciplinarity weren't appropriate to this case. I discovered that it was possible to measure the intensity of this kind of interdisciplinarity by counting words! That was where WFCA helped me so much. It was fundamental for getting lots of reliable data in a fast and easy way.

— Moisés Andre Nisenbaum, July 26, 2017

The Chinese Calendar
I am still using Chinese Calendrics, every time I open my family tree for updating. It has been and continues to be the best Chinese-English calendar program so far.

— Peter Tay, August 20, 2017

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
Hermetic WFC Advanced is a great and easy to use tool for those interested in conducting word count analysis. Moreover, technical support offered is great and timely.

— Dr. Nikolaos Panagopoulos, Associate Professor of Marketing, Ohio University, August 27, 2017

Search KWIC Concordance
I have found Search KWIC Concordance absolutely invaluable in revising longer pieces of writing that I have worked on intermittently for some period of time, particularly in identifying and avoiding the unnecessary repetitions and redundancies that invariably creep into such projects.

— John E. Woods, Professor of Iranian and Central Asian History, The University of Chicago, September 1, 2017

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Thank you for your help and support. I recommend your analysis software to others.

— Alan Hitchner, January 30, 2018

Easy Date Converter
I am an attorney. Knowing how much time has elapsed between to dates or knowing what day a deadline falls on is critical for my work. EDC has performed flawlessly for me for years and has never been wrong. It is simple to use and I have never had a problem with it.

— Mark J. Olberding, Olberding Law Office, Nevada, Iowa, February 8, 2018

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
I work in translation, and WFC Advanced is an excellent tool when creating glossaries for new projects. It speeds up my process considerably.

— Daniel Frisano, February 12, 2018

Search KWIC Concordance
Nice program and very useful!

— Bernard Kat, March 31, 2018

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Thanks for your software, it is amazing.

— Jordi Morales i Gras, April 9, 2018

Phrase Frequency Counter Advanced
Julian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator
Email Encryption End-to-End
Your products and service are outstanding.

— John Y., July 19, 2018

Kazakh Nomad Calendar
Peter Meyer has made a great contribution to familiarizing the scientific world with the Kazakh nomad calendars. Kazakh people will always remember this merit. He has made full-fledged Windows software for conversion between Togys esebi dates and dates in the Gregorian Calendar.

— Kaldarhan Kambar, December 1, 2018

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Ich benutze Ihren Word Frequency Counter schon längere Zeit, aber in einer älteren Version. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und habe mich gestern dazu entschieden, die neuere (Advanced) Version zu kaufen.

— Alexander, January 3, 2019

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
Your program Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder is great.

— Daniel P., April 11, 2019

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
Very useful for testing theories — thank you.

— Mark Sharron, May 28, 2019

Prime Factors
The Prime Factors software is all that I need and much more. I find your software helpful and I appreciate you taking all the time for me personally.

— Thomas Cook, July 24, 2019

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
As a writer for an ad agency, I highly recommend the Hermetic Word (and Phrase) Frequency Counter Advanced Version. It is a customizable multiple-file word and phrase counting program for Windows. Search engine optimization (SEO) can be tricky, but by targeting the right keywords, you can have an advantage. The word frequency counter can save you time in knowing whether your chosen keywords are adequately represented, and their customer support is stellar.

— Dan Cross, March 24, 2020

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
I am the proud owner of Equinoxes, Solstices, and Cross-Quarter Days 5.01. I can't say I use it all the time, but about 8 times per year. I love this software.

— Stephen Mace, March 26, 2020

Phrase Frequency Counter Advanced
Dans mon travail, je fais parfois de la révision de contenu et de la vérification de cohérence.

Cet outil est formidable, car il me permet de lister automatiquement les répétitions d'expressions en anglais et/ou en français.

Je pense même pouvoir travailler au niveau des similitudes (fuzzy matches) en utilisant des utilisant des caractères génériques.

L'interface est dépouillée mais l'outil est riche de possibilités. Et pas cher!

Si seulement il avait existé il y a 15 ans pour ma thèse de doctorat en lexicométrie...

— Laurent K., April 1, 2020

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I'm writing to tell you how much I like your Hermetic Word Frequency Counter. I'm very pleased with your product. It does all that you say, and was easy to install and use.

— Allan Schneider, April 5, 2020

Date-Time Calculator
Date-Time Calculator is easy to use and offers many options for date calculation. I am a Christian missionary teacher/preacher. Date-Time Calculator is excellent for providing accurate information in teaching history, it also provides great illustrations for placing time and events in a context that is easy to see and understand. The data always impresses the students and makes its point. Peter Meyer makes great software that enhances the value of the concepts I teach to children, young adults, and adults. I use several of his products and I use them often. Peter is personally involved with his customers which also adds inestimable value to his products.

— Thomas P Cook, May 22, 2020

The Chinese Calendar
Julian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator
I use Chinese Calendrics and Julian-Gregorian Date Calculator to help analyzing the phenomenological changes in China during the past 2000 years. The two programs can be used together to convert dates accurately between the Chinese and Western calendars.

— Dr Haolong Liu
Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
July 4, 2020

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
The Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced Version (WFCA) fills a great need in software for Windows computers. As a translator working with different languages, I try to avoid over-using the same words so as to improve readability of the target text, and WFCA makes this possible. It would be impossible to do this task without WFCA. I also use it to check whether numerals in the text are consistent. It is extremely versatile and can be customized in myriads of ways, but it is still very easy to use. I think WFCA should be an essential part of every translator's software suite.

— Anon, August 12, 2020

The Chinese Calendar
I have been using Chinese Calendrics since 2008 and I am very satisfied with the purchase: it is precise and very versatile.

— Enrique Marroquin, February 18, 2021

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
I'm doing research in knowledge management systems using Vector Space Models, and WFCA allow me to validate my terms counting routines. Very useful and it does what it promises. Simple and efficient! Thank you.

— Rui Neves-Silva, Associate Professor at Nova Lisbon, School of Science and Technology, March 9, 2021

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I have been using the Hermetic Word Frequency Counter for several years as a tool for the construction of glossaries and frequency dictionaries of foreign languages (primarily German). The foreign language document is first broken into sections (or chapters) and the glossary for any given section is created by using the text of that section as the Input File and the combined text of all previous sections as the Common Words File. The Output Files provide (along with translation) glossaries for the new words contributed by each section. The final Common Words File (which must now include the text for the final section) when used as an Input File provides the list of words for the frequency dictionary of the entire document. This program is an excellent tool — stable and easy to use with a useful selection of output formats. I only wish it could accept Cyrillic text.

— Allan Schneider, March 17, 2021

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
I'm a writer and have been using Hermetic Systems' Word Frequency Counter Advanced for a while now for documents up to 300 pages to avoid over repeating words and phrases, particularly unusual words as these can stand out like sore thumbs if over used. WFCA is a great example of a small, powerful, fast working (therefore neatly coded) program, with a nice clear UI, and plenty of setting choices to enable a highly defined search.

— Peter Burges, March 30, 2021

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
I hold a full licence for your word and phrase counting and searching software — very useful for me as a technical translator!

— Dr Lesley Stone, September 29, 2021

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
I am pleased with your developments, and the support received (when I requested it). So, I am looking to buy additional license software to support you and your good job.!

— Ignacio Zazo, November 25, 2021

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
Very good software (the Advanced Version) which has saved me a lot of time in processing thousands of documents. Much faster and easy to use than Microsoft Excel, which I was using to get word and phrase frequency. Thanks for this handy tool.

— ScrapeBoss, March 25, 2022

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced
Overall, I am very happy with the Hermetic Word Frequency Counter. I have been using it since 2011. I don't work too frequently with textual data, but whenever I do, and I want to analyse the frequency distribution of words, I always run my data by this software. I am impressed by the quick response of their team, and I enjoy the easiness of using this software. I would highly recommend it. Thank you for your great service.

— Sadia Nawaz, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, September 15, 2022

Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
The application has a classical professional look and feel, is fully customizable and works fast. I use it on large texts, and it helps me tremendously to gain more control over text.

— Egidijus Slepetys, technical translator, May 22, 2023